Whew is this a bit different than my normal style. Purchased a fat quarter bundle at Whittles in Smith Grove, KY last Friday. Cut pieces for the Big and Bold pattern on Saturday while a friend was making her quilt top. Today I could stand it no longer. I started sewing and this is the top that resulted. Butterflies, flowers, chevrons, big dots, geometric shapes, and pin dots (that read as a solid). Happy, full bodied colors: red, blues, yellows, creams, browns, pinks.
It has been fun to see the top come together. Scary at times....until it is all finished.
I think it is about 75 inches square. Just a bit too big for my design wall so the yard was my place to take the photos.
Now I have two tops to quilt and two to finish the hand part of the binding on.
But first a NAP!
Happy Weekend to all!
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