We are in Madison, WI at the FMCA International Rally. Called by a Family A'fair name this year. We have been attending seminars on everything associated with RVing. Those topics can be anything done within an RV or under the hood. I tend to go for the cooking, crafts, computer, and shopping aspects of the rally. We were up and in seminars by 8 this morning. My last one finished about four this afternoon.
I found time to visit the vendor area between classes and I came home with a Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo battery powered stick vac. We have it plugged in and charging. I am really looking forward to doing the cat liter with this little thing. The demonstrations showed how easy it picks up pieces of nuts that were a little larger than the liter. But it picked it up out of a berber style rug...so my hard floors should be a snap for it. I am also hoping it works well on the treads in the sewing room.
There were some microfiber booths that attracted my purchasing side too. More cleaning items....I think I see a pattern here.
I managed to get in some crafting today as well. I was able to pick up some craft kits between my other classes. Not nearly as good as getting to take the class but better than missing out on making fabric ornaments and a cardinal wirly-gig. I see craft classes at future local rallies.
(I cannot get photos to upload tonight to typepad. I will attempt later.
Jerry fixed a nice supper after we finished all the rally activities we were going to do today. After eating we sat outside. I did the binding on a baby quilt I had pieced and quilted before we left home. Now it is back to the computer for a bit. I thought it was interesting that a gentleman who stopped to chat noticed I worked without using a thimble. Before the night was out I did have to get a thimble out. After doing two other bindings this week my finger just needed a little protection by the time I was about half way through the binding.
Well, all for now.
Take care. May God Bless!
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